With the first two trimesters down I feel we are heading into the home stretch! I'm still feeling good these days, just heavier and tire more easily walking around or up and down stairs. But overall, still feelin' good---thank goodness! =) And now that the temperature has cooled my feet do not seem to give me as much trouble as they have in the past with swelling.
A few weeks ago we were able to see Andrew in 3D/4D, which was really neat. It's so amazing (and slightly overwhelming) to see the baby on the screen and know it's growing inside of you. What a miracle.... but sort of freaky, too! The thought of actually having a baby and having to take care of it remains surreal to me (and to Jeremy, I believe). My emotions range from excited to scared to death. What an incredible responsibility, and with that comes fear and worry. I showed a few pics to my students at school, and one little boy said "What's that, an alien?" when I put them on the screen. Actually, some of the pics DO look like a baby alien! But my favorite shows off his cute little cheeks. And my mom says he has my nose, so that makes me smile! =)
I have been reading a book about the best baby products to buy (it gives you opinions based on consumer reports) and it will really make you worry about everything the baby will touch or be around. Basically, if you breath too hard in the nursery it could be linked to SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). The pressure I feel reading books like that is probably not healthy, but if I don't read them I feel like a bad parent, too, who is uninformed and may purchase something that is unsafe. However, it has helped me narrow down some of the items that I really need or don't need, which I appreciate. With having a small house I don't want any extra/unnecessary baby items.
Today I started a Fetal Movement Chart that I have to show to the doctor with every visit up until Andrew is born. I have to time how long it takes him to kick 10 times every day. Today it took 29 minutes..... so out of an A-D scale, he got a B. Funny, the teacher in me is a little disappointed. I want my child to have an A! =) However, I'm sure this means my child will be calm and happy. And I'm sure he will move even more as he gets bigger.
The nursery continues to transform a little each week. My sweet father-in-law helped Jeremy put the crib together a couple of weeks ago, so the room actually looks like a nursery. We still have other chores to do in there, but it's off to a good start! Of course, with my personality I would love to have the entire thing done already, but unfortunately I have to be patient.
I will have my first baby shower this month in Harlem. I'm very excited about that! My sweet Mom and Aunts are hosting it, and I know it will be fun! =) Just another one of the MANY blessings I have been granted during this special time.
Speaking of blessings.... I passed my sugar test with flying colors. I scored a 102 (with 100 being a normal sugar reading). What a relief!
I'll try to keep you all posted as we wrap up this last trimester and prepare to welcome Baby Andrew into this world! =)