Happy 7 months to my sweet Andrew! Little Man is growing SO much and this is such a wonderful time in his life. My Mom is visiting right now (she is upstairs rockin' that baby) and we were talking this morning about how it would be great if he just stayed this age forever. His personality is developing, he laughs and smiles all of the time, he can't "escape" yet (well, not very fast anyway) and he can't talk back! The only thing I would change right now is his teething pain. His first tooth is coming through (it's so cute) and he has had quite a bit of pain with that. The teething tablets seem to help, thank goodness, but it just hurts my heart to see him in pain. He looks at me like "make this go away, mommy". Poor guy! Other than that, he's so much fun and such a sweetheart. =)
One of his favorite things right now is EATING! He loves food, but especially fruit. He gets some fruit with every meal and often enjoys "fruit pops" in a mesh bag (he sucks the juice). One of his "treats" each day is to have a fruit pop and watch Mickey Mouse. His sweet, little face just lights up when he hears or sees Mickey. It's so cute! He's eating solids three times a day now and has tried all fruits and veggies and has just starting eating some meat (mixed with veggies). He loves some turkey! =) I'm still breastfeeding him twice a day (morning and night) and enjoy doing that. It's a special snuggle time.
I have to start back to school Monday. I have mixed emotions on this. Of course, I will miss Andrew and being able to spend all day with him. I guess all moms feel that no one can care for them like they do! However, I do miss my friends and a daily "routine". My peace lies in the fact that Andrew will be with Miss Genia, who loves him, and he LOVES her! I can't tell you (well, if you are a mom, you know) what it means to know he is cared for and happy all day, even when I'm not with him. What a blessing she is! AND, I won't have to breast pump at work, so my day will be way less stressful than it was last spring.
Here are some of Andrew's current likes and dislikes:
LIKES: eating, sitting up to play, playing peek-a-boo with a blanket over his head, being with Mommy (he has started to "fuss" when I walk away or leave the room), the color red, Mickey Mouse, swinging, paci (this really helps him with the teething pain), rocking with Daddy (always a favorite), Clifford the Big Red Dog (Edee bought it for him), getting kisses on his toes, belly, and neck, seeing Mommy or Daddy in the morning when he wakes up (he gets SO excited), reading (more like chewing on) books, Mommy singing to him, fruit pops, baths (he loves to splash), and his exersaucer (so many fun things to do).
DISLIKES: getting dressed (especially the arms), waiting on his food (very impatient), and not being fed fast enough (he needs an IV).
As you can tell by the lists, he's a very happy baby. His reflux is SO much better now with the new medicine (Prevacid); he hardly ever spits up. We do have to make sure he sits up and is fairly calm after eating, but other than that, he's fine. He may also be growing out of that stage as well. Either way, it's a blessing!
He is becoming slightly mobile. He can roll all the way over, so he can roll across the floor if he wants to. I find that most of the time he's happy sitting up with his toys, but he's not afraid to go after something if he wants it.
Andrew was able to travel some this summer. He went to PA at the beginning of the month for Kevin and Chelsey's wedding, and then to Edee and Pop's while we went to the beach. His Grammy and Gramps also visited this month (he met his cousin Tyler for the first time, and played with Lena, Amy, and Lou who came down from NC). It's always great to share him with friends and family and know that others are praying for him and lovin' on him, too. We have such a caring, loving family and I know Andrew is blessed to have them all in his life!