I've always heard that time flies once you have children and that they grow up WAY too fast. The first couple of months of Andrew's life I would have disagreed---some days it felt like time was going in slow motion. However, the third and fourth month have really gone by fast, and I'm sure it will continue to fly. My Little Man will be 4 months old in a couple of days (April 29) and he still seems to be growing and changing almost daily. He still has his killer smile, which he will almost always flash you, even when he's crying (so funny to see). He is trying to sit up but still does not quite have the strength to do it on his own. He is in a very good routine of eating (around 6am, 9am, 1pm, 4pm, 6pm, and 8:30pm bedtime). Napping, however, is another story. He does not really like to nap anywhere except on someone. He has always been a snuggle bunny, but it would be nice to be able to put him down sometimes for a nap (and get other things done). He will sleep in the swing every once in a while, but even then it's usually not longer than about 20 minutes. He does sleep through the night, which is AWESOME! He very rarely wakes up. So I am thankful for that. We are going to try some new curtains (Eclipse) in his room and see if that helps. Maybe he just needs it to be dark in order to sleep.
He recently went on his first road trip to Connellsville, PA. Mom, Dad, Andrew and I traveled there for Chelsey's bridal shower. Luckily Andrew likes the motion of the car and will sleep most of the time (unless he's hungry, too hot, really sleepy, or just sick of being in the car seat). This was my first trip to PA, too, and it was beautiful! The green, green grass and mountains were a sight to behold. And, of course, the shower was great and it was so nice to visit with Chelsey's sweet family. Uncle Kevin was there, too, and was able to visit with Andrew. We are looking forward to the wedding in July (hopefully Andrew will do just as well as he did this time).
Andrew also celebrated his first holiday: Easter! Oh, what fun we had! We went to church Sunday morning and took Andrew to the nursery for the first time (I was very nervous, but he did just fine). We then had a yummy lunch: Ham, creamed corn, green beans, Lima beans, mac & cheese, rolls, deviled eggs, and sock-it-to-me cake. It was our first time having Easter with just our "little family", so that was different, but nice. Then Andrew checked out all of his Easter goodies in his many baskets. He received SO many gifts from many people: Mommy & Daddy, Edee & Pop, Grammy & Gramps, Nanaw & Pawpaw, Uncle Kev and Aunt Chels, and Mr. Ed & Miss Karen Kurtz (Chelsey's parents). He was so cute looking at all of the gifts and holding his new toys and stuffed animals. Our favorite part was introducing him to bubbles (from Grammy). He seemed to be a little unsure at first, but then seemed to like them. I'm sure he was trying to figure out how to eat/chew on them.
Check out this video of the gift-opening and bubble blowing.
Speaking of chewing, that's all he wants to do right now. He drools, sucks, and chews on everything, especially his hands! I think he may be in the beginning stages of teething, but no sign of teeth yet. Everything he touches gets wet! I don't look forward to the pain that will come with that soon.
Some of Andrew's favorite things right now: Rocking with Daddy (while watching TV), holding his "noisy" toys and blankets, smiling, holding and listening to "Ellie" (stuffed elephant) while getting a diaper change, watching Mommy and Daddy make dinner (even though he usually cries once we sit down to eat), eating (that has always been something he loves), being bounced, the color red, paci at nap time (but he doesn't use it for bed time), being naked and lotioned up after bath time, having all attention on him, and listening to the song "Forever Young" to fall sleep.
He is such a sweet little boy and I love him more and more everyday! Happy 4 months Andrew William!