Wow, Andrew is 3 months old! I remember back in the first few weeks of his life when I wasn't sure if I would ever make it to this point. I guess I always thought it would be difficult and trying. Don't get me wrong, it's HARD work; the hardest thing I have ever done, but man is it FUN! My sweet little boy is growing so fast and is starting to do so many new things. My favorite right now is his laugh, well, more like a squeal. It's the funniest, most adorable thing! His smile is also so amazing; it will melt your heart. He's just so cute I could eat him up! He is liking sitting up now, even though he can't do it on his own yet. He is grabbing at everything: toys, clothing, blankets, my hair.... anything he can. He's got a mighty strong grip. He is so observant and has a great attention span (when he's happy). He is eating well (the legs are getting quite chubbs) and is on a really good schedule. I have The Amazing Genia to thank for that! Miss Genia is his sitter and she is fabulous. She loves Andrew and he loves her. A mommy couldn't ask for more.
I think Andrew is getting ready for teething. He's drooling all the time and is starting to chew on his fingers and toys. Friends have told me this would happen as soon as he starting sleeping through the night, he will wake up due to teething pains. NOT looking forward to that!
This week I have been on spring break and I have loved spending time with my family. I still find it so incredibly sweet to see my parents with Andrew. He is their world right now, and I love it. It's a shame that you don't realize how much your parents love you until you have a child of your own. Then you understand. My Granny was also able to spend some time with him and rock him to sleep. It just makes her so happy, and that is so special to me.
We are still struggling with tummy time, he just doesn't like it. Hopefully that will improve soon so that he will be able to practice rolling over and eventually crawling. So much to look forward to. For now he likes his toys that make noise, he is still enjoying his floor gym, and he likes laying on his back on his tummy time mat (haha) and looking around and grabbing/holding his toys and blankets.
I know going back to work on Monday after spending a week with him will be very difficult, but I am looking forward to the summer. It will be fun to spend every day with him, take him swimming, and dress him up for Uncle Kev's wedding in July----so many exciting things to come!
Fun times! both my kids hated tummy time, soon, but they are fine and didn't suffer developmentally, event though the drs. always ask about that and make a big deal of them needing it. caleb didn't sleep thru the night until about 9 months but that was partly my fault, for developing bad habits of tending to him whenever he cried. teething never really bothered my kids, so maybe it won't be hard on ya'll, either. love keeping up with ya'll this way!