Sunday, March 6, 2011

Back to Reality....

The last 9 weeks have been such a wild ride! Andrew has grown and changed SO much and it has been amazing to see. He is now 2 months old, very happy with his sitter, Miss Genia, and has transitioned very well with Mommy going back to work (much better than Mommy did). =)

We had a little "scare" for a few days regarding daycare. The lady who had agreed to keep Andrew (we interviewed her several months before Andrew was born) called two weeks before I was to return to work to tell me she couldn't keep him. PANIC STRUCK.... but not for long. Thank the Lord for Facebook! I posted about it and within a few minutes a sweet girl that I went to high school with, Genia, sent me a message saying she could keep him. She had worked in a daycare in the past and was a nanny for another family that had moved, and she had not found another child to keep yet. Jeremy and I "interviewed" her (high school was a long time ago) and just felt a peace about it. He would also be the only baby there all day, so he would get lots of attention. He has been there for two weeks now and seems very happy! I get pictures and updates throughout the day, which is such a lifesaver! He plays, laughs, and has a good 'ol time. I couldn't be more happy about that! It has been so hard going back to work and trying to manage work with being a mommy and wife. It's very difficult and exhausting, but it gets better each day. I am so thankful to the Lord for putting Genia in our lives to take care of and love our sweet little boy!

If you have been keeping up with Andrew's pictures you have seen just how much he is growing. It's crazy! I can really see it more now that I do not have him all day. I feel like some days he changes from the time I drop him off to the time I pick him up in the afternoon. He is smiling and squealing with joy! He loves his play gym and will reach up and hit the toys that hang down. He will sit in his bouncy seat and look around the room while we cook dinner. He loves to relax on his boppy in his room and laugh at his rattles and other toys. He is such a sweet little boy and his grin just melts my heart!

He is quite the mover and shaker. He loves to be naked and move his arms and legs. He HATES putting on clothes and refuses to wear socks (I don't even bother anymore). He is much better with diaper change now, which is great. He will follow us (and toys) with his eyes and responds to our voices. He LOVES to be bounced. It's the only motion that will soothe him when he's upset. Sometimes Jeremy and I are tired after putting him to bed! Speaking of bed... he's doing very well at night. He goes to bed around 8:30-9:00 (he does sleep in the swing some earlier in the evening while we eat dinner), wakes up once around 2am, and then either he wakes up around 5:30 (when I get up) or sometimes sleeps until 6:15, when I have to wake him. Either way, I am only getting up once a night right now, and I'm so thankful!

He is getting big! He just went for his 2 month check-up and he weighs 10lbs 15 oz (25th percentile) and is 23 in. long (50th percentile)! He also had his vaccinations, which he handled fairly well (considering). I love the little fat rolls forming on his legs. I just squeeze and kiss them! =)

I am also enjoying seeing our parents with him. They just love him so much and it's sweet to see. I know he will have such a special relationship with his grandparents and that means a lot to me and Jeremy. Our little family is blessed! =) Thank you to all who keep up with Andrew!


  1. He's precious! So glad you found a good sitter for him and that ya'll are transitioning well. makes me want another baby- until i read about the night-time feedings!

  2. Aww Heather you are sweet! I am so glad I am able to help. Andrew is the sweetest little boy. We (all three of us here at the Hatcher house) look forward to his daily smiles. =)
