Well, this one slipped up on me! My Little Man is 8 months old now. Time is flying, for sure. Now that I am back to school and only see Andrew a few hours a day, I feel like the days go by way too fast. The school year is going well so far and Andrew is still very happy with Miss Genia. He is on a great schedule and is truly an "easy" baby. (Ask me that in a few weeks when he's crawling all over the place!) I have to wake him up every morning (hate that) at 6:30am, he nurses a little bit (but is showing less interest in that these days), take him to Genia's, he eats breakfast, naps around 10am, eats lunch, naps around 2pm, has a bottle, and I pick him up around 4:45pm. He is always happy to see me, which is one of the highlights of my day. =) He eats dinner around 5:45pm, plays and snacks while Jeremy and I eat, takes a bath around 7-7:30pm, nurses again, and falls asleep almost instantly. Most nights we do not even hear a peep from him. He is such a sweet, happy little boy.
He is quite mobile lately, but not yet crawling. He rolls and scoots all over the place. He gets in the crawl position, but won't push up on his arms yet, so he just gets upset because he can't go where he wants to go. But I think he will be doing that very soon. He "talks" and laughs all of the time. He makes a Mamamama sound, which I love, and purses his lips and says Mmmmmm alot, too. He has started making sweet, soft sounds as he's falling asleep, too. He even likes to talk and make noises while eating. I think he gets most of that from his Mama--haha!
He still LOVES to eat and is eating a few more table foods now. He's had baked potato, bread, blueberries, carrots, cheerios, macaroni, watermelon, banana, grapes, and a pinto bean (just one--he didn't like that at all). He is willing to try anything, and makes really funny faces when it's something new. He is doing really well with picking up and eating his own food, but we can only give him a piece or two at the time because he will shove them all in his mouth at one time. He also likes some of the Gerber snacks (Puffs, Yogurt Bites, and Mum-Mums rice wafers). I think the boy would eat until he exploded; he never fills up.
He has 6 teeth already (3 on bottom and 3 on top). He was quite fussy when the first couple came through, but the others haven't seemed to bother him. You can see them when he smiles and it makes him look so much older. He is playing more independently now and still likes to watch Mickey Mouse. He has also figured out how to use the sippy cup, he just has to master holding it himself and not throwing it on the floor (which is where he likes to put everything while in the highchair).
I mentioned that he is not really that interested in nursing lately. I think he's so happy with "real" food, that he doesn't want to waste time with milk. Jeremy and I are going on a cruise in a couple of weeks and Andrew will be with my parents for a week. I have a feeling that will end my breastfeeding time. I will not try to pump while I'm gone (I tried to do that when we went to the beach and it was a total waste of time. I wasn't able to pump anything). It makes me a little sad, but since he hasn't really seemed interested in it anyway, it's not so hard to let it go. However, it really does mean my little baby is growing up.
Hope you all are enjoying your holiday weekend. Time to get some rest now, since Andrew won't realize tomorrow is a holiday and we should be sleeping late. He will be ready to eat and play bright and early in the morning!
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