What a crazy couple of weeks it has been! We traveled to Louisiana to have Christmas with Jeremy's family and had a great time visiting with all of them. We had Christmas at Grammy and Gramps' house and enjoyed YuMmY Gumbo. Then all of The Hoods went to Houston to see Transiberian Orchestra (an annual tradition for me and Jeremy since we started dating, so it was nice to go with his family). We celebrated Andrew's birthday at Nanaw and PawPaw's. On Christmas Eve, we had lunch and Christmas at Mama and Papa Hood's house. And the finale, was Christmas at Nanaw and PawPaw's. All three of us were showered with gifts, love, and attention while we were there. We packed A LOT into the week we were there!
However, this is definitely a Christmas we will never forget... for several reasons:
~It was Andrew's 1st Christmas.
~Many of J's family met Andrew for the 1st time.
~The Hood HumBug Virus spread rampant through the family while we were there. Jeremy caught it the night of December 23rd and was sick through December 26th. Andrew caught it December 25th (and vomited through the night as we traveled back home) and had it through December 28th. I caught it December 28th and had it through December 30th. Almost everyone in the Hood Clan had it... it was awful. I haven't been that sick in a long time!
Poor Andrew was not really 100% on his birthday, and I was in bed all day with The Virus, but he did get to have some cake and open his Christmas presents from me and Jeremy the next day.
I feel like Andrew has grown so much through the month of December, physically and mentally. He is walking around holding on (but getting braver as he does so and letting go sometimes, just leaning against things), he says a few words (Nana for Banana, Elmo, Mamamama, and sometimes Hey... but that doesn't seem to really be at the appropriate time). He is really becoming a Mama's Boy, and likes for Mama to hold him and take care of him. He is very ticklish and laughs so hard. He now points to things that he wants, which is helpful to us. He enjoys turning on light switches, playing with cords, opening and closing doors and drawers, and taking things in and out of boxes or drawers. He got his first haircut in Louisiana by his Aunt Mamoo (Jeremy's sister). It was very traumatic and he screamed bloody murder the entire time. But, he looks very handsome now! He is eating almost all real "people" food now, which is so nice. He still loves to eat, especially fruit and bread. He is becoming quite "plump" in his belly. =) He is such a sweet and loving little boy, and we are so proud of him and continue to feel blessed to be his parents!
Now it is December 31st, New Year's Eve, and I am reflecting on the Year of Blessing that is ending, and the New Year to come. This has definitely been an AMAZING year, as we have watched our sweet, precious, little boy grow up. It has also been the HARDEST year of my life, as I have learned, through trial and error, to be the best parent I can be, and to take care of a little one. I am filled with joy, thankfulness, and love for my family (ALL of them), my career, my home, my health, and the many blessings that the Lord continues to pour on us, even though we in no way deserve them.
Happy New Year to all of you!
The Hoods