Thursday, December 8, 2011

Eleven Months!

So I am late with this post, but things are busy in the Hood Household! My sweet Little Man is growing SO fast, it's hard to keep up with him (literally). He is crawling all over the place these days (still army crawling) and even pulling up on the couch and tables. He is such a good baby, eats well (pretty much all table food now--with the help of the baby bullet), sleeps all night (sometimes 12 hours on the weekends), loves to play and take baths, and laughs and smiles all of the time.

He is saying a couple of things right now, such as "Mamamamama", "Oh Oh Oh" when asked what Santa says, and "uuhh uuhh" when asked what a doggy says. He can also wave Bye Bye when asked to. I am amazed at how well he remembers and follows his routine; for example, after his night bottle, he reaches up to get his blanket from the back of the rocking chair, reaches for his paci, lays across me with his head in the crook of my arm, and goes to sleep with very little help (he listens to music and I rock him). He does have to "calm down' sometimes if he wasn't able to get all his energy out with play time or bath time, but for the most part, by about 7:30-8:00, he's pooped and ready for bed. He plays hard during the day and sleeps hard at night. I am SO thankful for that! He recently went through a spell where he would fight sleep and it would take me a while to get him settled and asleep, but he's doing very well now.

I can't believe how much upper-body strength he has. He can pull himself up almost anywhere, walks around a little holding on to things, and walks around the room with someone holding his hands. I don't think it will be too long before he is walking on his own. SO hard to believe!

One of his favorite toys right now is a red car that he can either ride on, or walk behind and push (which he can't do yet). He loves to have me push him around the house on the car, and he dances as it plays music (so funny). It has a seat that lifts up, so he will store his toys in there and take them in and out.

So far, Andrew has done really well with going out to eat. He can be a little loud sometimes if he is needing my attention, or if he doesn't have the food he wants in front of him.

Favorite Foods:
hot dog, applesauce, banana, bread, cheerios, sweet potato, corn, yogurt

He is really a good eater and isn't as picky as he was when we first started with table food. There are some staples that I know he will eat every time, but for the most part, he'll eat whatever he's given. And he WILL let you know when he's done by throwing it on the floor!

It's so hard to believe that in 20 short days my sweet little boy will be 1 year old. What a year... but more about that in the next post! Happy Holiday everyone. Love, The Hoods

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