Saturday, February 4, 2012

Life with a 1 Year Old

My sweet little boy continues to grow, learn, and change every day! He is still so much fun and we are enjoying our little 1 year old. Here's what he's up to right now (13 months):

What he can say:
Dora (that came out of nowhere because he doesn't even watch it)
Bye-Bye (and waves)
Light (and points to either a light or the light switch)
Mama and Dada---and really means it
MiMiMiMi (milk)---he no longer has the bottle, so he really means milk and isn't asking for the bottle
AnJew---his name =)
Manana--More Banana

Things he recognizes and points to (in books or in real life):
Flower (and he smells it)
His nose and feet
Milk in his cup
Brush and Comb--and will brush his hair with it
Mickey Mouse

Fun Things:
He dances all of the time and loves music.
If you ask him to smell something, he will scrunch up his nose and sniff---so funny!
Go get the ball and toss it to you (he has good aim, too)
Waves and says Hey or Bye-Bye
Combs his hair
Wipes his nose with a tissue
Takes off socks (usually on command, but many times just because he wants to)
If you tell him you want to tell him a secret, he will lean in and put his ear to your mouth
If you ask him to give you a "kiss" or "love", he will lay his head on your shoulder

I'm sure I'm leaving out some things, but I wanted to highlight a few neat things he's doing right now. Of course, the credit goes to Miss Genia, who teaches him pretty much everything he knows. She is so sweet to him and is still our "angel" who blesses us by caring so much for our son.

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