Saturday, December 31, 2011

Christmas, Birthday, and a New Year.... Oh My!

What a crazy couple of weeks it has been! We traveled to Louisiana to have Christmas with Jeremy's family and had a great time visiting with all of them. We had Christmas at Grammy and Gramps' house and enjoyed YuMmY Gumbo. Then all of The Hoods went to Houston to see Transiberian Orchestra (an annual tradition for me and Jeremy since we started dating, so it was nice to go with his family). We celebrated Andrew's birthday at Nanaw and PawPaw's. On Christmas Eve, we had lunch and Christmas at Mama and Papa Hood's house. And the finale, was Christmas at Nanaw and PawPaw's. All three of us were showered with gifts, love, and attention while we were there. We packed A LOT into the week we were there!

However, this is definitely a Christmas we will never forget... for several reasons:
~It was Andrew's 1st Christmas.
~Many of J's family met Andrew for the 1st time.
~The Hood HumBug Virus spread rampant through the family while we were there. Jeremy caught it the night of December 23rd and was sick through December 26th. Andrew caught it December 25th (and vomited through the night as we traveled back home) and had it through December 28th. I caught it December 28th and had it through December 30th. Almost everyone in the Hood Clan had it... it was awful. I haven't been that sick in a long time!

Poor Andrew was not really 100% on his birthday, and I was in bed all day with The Virus, but he did get to have some cake and open his Christmas presents from me and Jeremy the next day.

I feel like Andrew has grown so much through the month of December, physically and mentally. He is walking around holding on (but getting braver as he does so and letting go sometimes, just leaning against things), he says a few words (Nana for Banana, Elmo, Mamamama, and sometimes Hey... but that doesn't seem to really be at the appropriate time). He is really becoming a Mama's Boy, and likes for Mama to hold him and take care of him. He is very ticklish and laughs so hard. He now points to things that he wants, which is helpful to us. He enjoys turning on light switches, playing with cords, opening and closing doors and drawers, and taking things in and out of boxes or drawers. He got his first haircut in Louisiana by his Aunt Mamoo (Jeremy's sister). It was very traumatic and he screamed bloody murder the entire time. But, he looks very handsome now! He is eating almost all real "people" food now, which is so nice. He still loves to eat, especially fruit and bread. He is becoming quite "plump" in his belly. =) He is such a sweet and loving little boy, and we are so proud of him and continue to feel blessed to be his parents!

Now it is December 31st, New Year's Eve, and I am reflecting on the Year of Blessing that is ending, and the New Year to come. This has definitely been an AMAZING year, as we have watched our sweet, precious, little boy grow up. It has also been the HARDEST year of my life, as I have learned, through trial and error, to be the best parent I can be, and to take care of a little one. I am filled with joy, thankfulness, and love for my family (ALL of them), my career, my home, my health, and the many blessings that the Lord continues to pour on us, even though we in no way deserve them.

Happy New Year to all of you!
The Hoods

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Eleven Months!

So I am late with this post, but things are busy in the Hood Household! My sweet Little Man is growing SO fast, it's hard to keep up with him (literally). He is crawling all over the place these days (still army crawling) and even pulling up on the couch and tables. He is such a good baby, eats well (pretty much all table food now--with the help of the baby bullet), sleeps all night (sometimes 12 hours on the weekends), loves to play and take baths, and laughs and smiles all of the time.

He is saying a couple of things right now, such as "Mamamamama", "Oh Oh Oh" when asked what Santa says, and "uuhh uuhh" when asked what a doggy says. He can also wave Bye Bye when asked to. I am amazed at how well he remembers and follows his routine; for example, after his night bottle, he reaches up to get his blanket from the back of the rocking chair, reaches for his paci, lays across me with his head in the crook of my arm, and goes to sleep with very little help (he listens to music and I rock him). He does have to "calm down' sometimes if he wasn't able to get all his energy out with play time or bath time, but for the most part, by about 7:30-8:00, he's pooped and ready for bed. He plays hard during the day and sleeps hard at night. I am SO thankful for that! He recently went through a spell where he would fight sleep and it would take me a while to get him settled and asleep, but he's doing very well now.

I can't believe how much upper-body strength he has. He can pull himself up almost anywhere, walks around a little holding on to things, and walks around the room with someone holding his hands. I don't think it will be too long before he is walking on his own. SO hard to believe!

One of his favorite toys right now is a red car that he can either ride on, or walk behind and push (which he can't do yet). He loves to have me push him around the house on the car, and he dances as it plays music (so funny). It has a seat that lifts up, so he will store his toys in there and take them in and out.

So far, Andrew has done really well with going out to eat. He can be a little loud sometimes if he is needing my attention, or if he doesn't have the food he wants in front of him.

Favorite Foods:
hot dog, applesauce, banana, bread, cheerios, sweet potato, corn, yogurt

He is really a good eater and isn't as picky as he was when we first started with table food. There are some staples that I know he will eat every time, but for the most part, he'll eat whatever he's given. And he WILL let you know when he's done by throwing it on the floor!

It's so hard to believe that in 20 short days my sweet little boy will be 1 year old. What a year... but more about that in the next post! Happy Holiday everyone. Love, The Hoods

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Top 10

In honor of Andrew turning 10 months old today, I thought I would create this special list:

Andrew's Top 10 at 10 Months

1. Army crawls EVERYWHERE and gets into EVERYTHING.
2. Says Mamamamama all the time (melts my heart... even if it's not AT me).
3. Sings and Dances when music plays, or if someone sings to him.
4. Eats pretty much every kind of table food, all on his own, and drinks out of his sippy cup.
5. Enjoys reading books, especially turning the pages.
6. Dies laughing when playing peek-a-boo.
7. Still grins and goes hysterical when he sees or hears Mickey Mouse.
8. Loves to crawl toward cords, shoes, and door stops.
9. Sleeps with a blanket and paci each night, and doesn't NEED to be rocked to sleep, but I do it anyway. =)
10. He likes to lay on his back and belly and "spaz" with excitement so he can hear his voice vibrate. He thinks it's hilarious when any loud sound comes out of his mouth.

He is so much FUN and we are really enjoying this stage of life. I know it won't be long before he's pulling up on everything, and then walking around on his own. He's such a sweet baby and so easy-going. We are blessed beyond measure!

He is going to be Mickey Mouse for Halloween (of course), so I will post pics of him on Monday. =)

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

9 and Fine!

Well, this one really snuck up on me! My sweet baby boy is Nine Months Old! He is such a happy baby and we are having the most fun with him during this stage of life. Unfortunately he is sick right now with a cold, his first one yet (he had some type of virus a while back which gave him red bumps all over his legs and a high fever, but that didn't last very long). He is coughing, congested, and just all around doesn't feel very good. He's happy and playful during the day with Ms. Genia, which is great, but by the evening time when he gets home, he's ready for bed. He actually begged to get OUT of the bath tonight, which is not like him.

He still isn't crawling yet, but is working hard on getting into position. However, when he does get into position, he just falls on his tummy and rolls over to his back. He is just scooting and turning on his bottom to get where he wants to go right now. I know it won't be long though, and I'll be chasing him around the house!

Drew Man is still a very good eater. He is eating more table foods now: bananas, green beans, apples, carrots, baked potato, blueberries, grapes, and he tried grits, but did not like those at all (he actually made the funniest face with his nose scrunched up when Genia gave him some). He loves cheerios for a snack. He is using his "pincher" finger and thumb to grab food and can pick up most anything.

One of my most favorite things he does now is dance and "sing" to music. His Grammy and Gramps gave him a toy piano that plays songs. When it's on he just moves all over the place and laughs. It's so funny! His Nanaw also gave him a bunny (for Easter) that sings Jesus Loves Me. When I play it for him, he "sings" along with it.

I have completely stopped breastfeeding. I'm proud of myself for going 9 months and do feel like it was beneficial and worth it. Andrew has 3 bottles a day now (2 are 6 oz and 1 is 8oz). He just went to the Doctor this week (because he was sick) and weighed 19lbs 5oz; he's a growing boy! He has definitely gained weight since he's switched from breast milk to formula, but I think that's because he wasn't getting enough breast milk. That's the main disadvantage to breast feeding: you don't know how much they are getting.

He has started showing a little bit of shyness towards strangers now. At the doctor's office, he buried his head in my neck when he saw the nurse and the doctor. He has always been a really friendly baby, but I guess he's starting to learn the difference between strangers and people he knows. I love watching him learn! Speaking of that, Ms. Genia started some sign language with him, so I have been doing that at home, too. He knows the sign (or the word, not sure which) for milk and he gets SO excited when it's bottle time. It's so neat to watch him grow, change, and learn new things. He is also saying more sounds that are more word-like, and more sounds with consonants, such as Mamamamaa and Dadadadada, which we LOVE! =)

His favorite things: playing on the floor and taking all of the toys out of the basket, observing everything and everyone around him, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Sprout TV, fruit, bath time, his paci (he is REALLY attached to that now), rocking to sleep, moving his legs and hands non-stop, playing peek-a-boo, and turning the pages of his books.

We are so blessed to have such a happy, healthy baby!!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

8 is Great!

Well, this one slipped up on me! My Little Man is 8 months old now. Time is flying, for sure. Now that I am back to school and only see Andrew a few hours a day, I feel like the days go by way too fast. The school year is going well so far and Andrew is still very happy with Miss Genia. He is on a great schedule and is truly an "easy" baby. (Ask me that in a few weeks when he's crawling all over the place!) I have to wake him up every morning (hate that) at 6:30am, he nurses a little bit (but is showing less interest in that these days), take him to Genia's, he eats breakfast, naps around 10am, eats lunch, naps around 2pm, has a bottle, and I pick him up around 4:45pm. He is always happy to see me, which is one of the highlights of my day. =) He eats dinner around 5:45pm, plays and snacks while Jeremy and I eat, takes a bath around 7-7:30pm, nurses again, and falls asleep almost instantly. Most nights we do not even hear a peep from him. He is such a sweet, happy little boy.

He is quite mobile lately, but not yet crawling. He rolls and scoots all over the place. He gets in the crawl position, but won't push up on his arms yet, so he just gets upset because he can't go where he wants to go. But I think he will be doing that very soon. He "talks" and laughs all of the time. He makes a Mamamama sound, which I love, and purses his lips and says Mmmmmm alot, too. He has started making sweet, soft sounds as he's falling asleep, too. He even likes to talk and make noises while eating. I think he gets most of that from his Mama--haha!

He still LOVES to eat and is eating a few more table foods now. He's had baked potato, bread, blueberries, carrots, cheerios, macaroni, watermelon, banana, grapes, and a pinto bean (just one--he didn't like that at all). He is willing to try anything, and makes really funny faces when it's something new. He is doing really well with picking up and eating his own food, but we can only give him a piece or two at the time because he will shove them all in his mouth at one time. He also likes some of the Gerber snacks (Puffs, Yogurt Bites, and Mum-Mums rice wafers). I think the boy would eat until he exploded; he never fills up.

He has 6 teeth already (3 on bottom and 3 on top). He was quite fussy when the first couple came through, but the others haven't seemed to bother him. You can see them when he smiles and it makes him look so much older. He is playing more independently now and still likes to watch Mickey Mouse. He has also figured out how to use the sippy cup, he just has to master holding it himself and not throwing it on the floor (which is where he likes to put everything while in the highchair).

I mentioned that he is not really that interested in nursing lately. I think he's so happy with "real" food, that he doesn't want to waste time with milk. Jeremy and I are going on a cruise in a couple of weeks and Andrew will be with my parents for a week. I have a feeling that will end my breastfeeding time. I will not try to pump while I'm gone (I tried to do that when we went to the beach and it was a total waste of time. I wasn't able to pump anything). It makes me a little sad, but since he hasn't really seemed interested in it anyway, it's not so hard to let it go. However, it really does mean my little baby is growing up.

Hope you all are enjoying your holiday weekend. Time to get some rest now, since Andrew won't realize tomorrow is a holiday and we should be sleeping late. He will be ready to eat and play bright and early in the morning!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Seven IS Heaven!

Happy 7 months to my sweet Andrew! Little Man is growing SO much and this is such a wonderful time in his life. My Mom is visiting right now (she is upstairs rockin' that baby) and we were talking this morning about how it would be great if he just stayed this age forever. His personality is developing, he laughs and smiles all of the time, he can't "escape" yet (well, not very fast anyway) and he can't talk back! The only thing I would change right now is his teething pain. His first tooth is coming through (it's so cute) and he has had quite a bit of pain with that. The teething tablets seem to help, thank goodness, but it just hurts my heart to see him in pain. He looks at me like "make this go away, mommy". Poor guy! Other than that, he's so much fun and such a sweetheart. =)

One of his favorite things right now is EATING! He loves food, but especially fruit. He gets some fruit with every meal and often enjoys "fruit pops" in a mesh bag (he sucks the juice). One of his "treats" each day is to have a fruit pop and watch Mickey Mouse. His sweet, little face just lights up when he hears or sees Mickey. It's so cute! He's eating solids three times a day now and has tried all fruits and veggies and has just starting eating some meat (mixed with veggies). He loves some turkey! =) I'm still breastfeeding him twice a day (morning and night) and enjoy doing that. It's a special snuggle time.

I have to start back to school Monday. I have mixed emotions on this. Of course, I will miss Andrew and being able to spend all day with him. I guess all moms feel that no one can care for them like they do! However, I do miss my friends and a daily "routine". My peace lies in the fact that Andrew will be with Miss Genia, who loves him, and he LOVES her! I can't tell you (well, if you are a mom, you know) what it means to know he is cared for and happy all day, even when I'm not with him. What a blessing she is! AND, I won't have to breast pump at work, so my day will be way less stressful than it was last spring.

Here are some of Andrew's current likes and dislikes:
LIKES: eating, sitting up to play, playing peek-a-boo with a blanket over his head, being with Mommy (he has started to "fuss" when I walk away or leave the room), the color red, Mickey Mouse, swinging, paci (this really helps him with the teething pain), rocking with Daddy (always a favorite), Clifford the Big Red Dog (Edee bought it for him), getting kisses on his toes, belly, and neck, seeing Mommy or Daddy in the morning when he wakes up (he gets SO excited), reading (more like chewing on) books, Mommy singing to him, fruit pops, baths (he loves to splash), and his exersaucer (so many fun things to do).

DISLIKES: getting dressed (especially the arms), waiting on his food (very impatient), and not being fed fast enough (he needs an IV).

As you can tell by the lists, he's a very happy baby. His reflux is SO much better now with the new medicine (Prevacid); he hardly ever spits up. We do have to make sure he sits up and is fairly calm after eating, but other than that, he's fine. He may also be growing out of that stage as well. Either way, it's a blessing!

He is becoming slightly mobile. He can roll all the way over, so he can roll across the floor if he wants to. I find that most of the time he's happy sitting up with his toys, but he's not afraid to go after something if he wants it.

Andrew was able to travel some this summer. He went to PA at the beginning of the month for Kevin and Chelsey's wedding, and then to Edee and Pop's while we went to the beach. His Grammy and Gramps also visited this month (he met his cousin Tyler for the first time, and played with Lena, Amy, and Lou who came down from NC). It's always great to share him with friends and family and know that others are praying for him and lovin' on him, too. We have such a caring, loving family and I know Andrew is blessed to have them all in his life!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

1/2 Birthdays and Weddings

Summer is already half over and it has been BuSy! Little Man is now 6 months old and SO much fun. He is "talking" and laughing all of the time. He has the sweetest smile and laugh, it just makes me melt inside. He loves to play peek-a-boo with a blanket (he laughs the whole time he's under it while I say "where's Andrew"). He is rolling around on the floor pretty well and can sit up for a short while on his own, but will fall over eventually. I don't think it will be too much longer before he can sit up on his own. He still LOVES to eat. He really likes fruit, but will eat anything. His least favorite seems to be green beans, but as long as I give him that first (before the fruit), then he will eat it. The Bumbo seat has been a lifesaver for feeding him and for traveling. He can't quite sit up well enough to eat in the highchair yet, so the Bumbo is perfect for him. He is trying to lean over and grab things and get out of it, so we can't walk away from him while he's in it. He is grabbing for everything around him these days. He's so observant and curious; I love it! And, of course, everything goes in his mouth. He is going to the doctor for his 6 month check-up next week, so I will give an update on his weight and height after that.
Andrew has enjoyed being in the water this summer. He has been swimming at Miss Genia's a few times and did very well in the big pool (although he prefers to be held rather than sit in the float) and we have a small pool in the backyard we use quite often. I get in it with him and he loves to kick and play with his toys. He gets a look of such determination when kicking his toys around, it's hilarious! His favorite summer treat is an "apple pop". I cut up pieces of apple and put it in a mesh bag and freeze it. He loves to suck the juice out of it. It is the only thing that keeps him quiet and still for longer than a couple of minutes. Speaking of that, little man is on the move nonstop. He is constantly kicking his feet, moving his arms, or both. He has SO much energy! I think Mommy and Daddy are going to be tired once Drew Man can crawl and walk.
Andrew is now eating solid foods three times a day and I am only nursing morning and night. He has a bottle in the afternoon. It has been nice to make the transition from nursing so often to real food. I think we are both happier. I love nursing and am so glad I am able to do it, but it's nice that I don't have to be tied down to it all day. And, when I return to work in a few weeks, I won't have to pump---PRAISE THE LORD! That was so difficult for me and very time-consuming (I was pumping at work twice a day).
He is still sleeping through the night, which is wonderful. We start the bedtime routine around 8:30 (bath and nursing) and he is usually asleep around 9:30. He wakes up between 7:30-8:00. We are still swaddling him at night to help him sleep, so I don't look forward to breaking him of that, but he will outgrow his blankets soon, so I know it will be time. He still listens to "Forever Young" by Rod Stewart to fall asleep while I bounce him in my arms. He falls asleep pretty quickly most nights.
We took Andrew to PA for the second time this past week for my brother's wedding. We had such a great time and Andrew was wonderful! I can't believe how well he did being out of his environment for a week. He was up late every night, was in his car seat a lot, but was still a trooper. The wedding was beautiful and perfect! I was honored to sing in the wedding and my Mom played piano and sang harmony. It was so special for the both of us to be able to take part in the wedding. Andrew dressed up in his tuxedo onesie and was a big hit. I'm so proud of my little brother for growing up to be such a fun, loving, and kind person. He is a man of character and I know he will make a great husband. I'm also gaining a sister! Chelsey is so gracious, caring, sweet, and beautiful. I'm so glad to have her in our family; what an awesome addition! May God bless your marriage and family! =)

Friday, June 3, 2011

Five Alive!

My Little Man is 5 months old and SO much fun! I'm so happy that it's summertime, school's out, and I have time to spend with my sweet little boy. He is growing and changing so much.... where do I begin??

Andrew is beginning to sit up (with help) and rolled over for the first time yesterday. I'm so happy I was able to witness it. He was on his play gym, grabbed the mat, and pulled himself right on over. Then he just laid on his tummy like it was no big deal. =) He is also eating (and loving) solid foods now. He has eaten rice cereal, squash, green beans, peas, sweet potatoes, carrots, and prunes so far, and he LOVES them all. He is his mother's child---he loves food. While eating, he often says "Mmmm" after a bite--so cute! He loves to "talk", yell, smile, and laugh. He is such a happy little boy. He can even smile in the midst of a cry.... too funny! He is grabbing for everything and even wants our food and drink (and gets upset when he can't have it).

He is still struggling some with his reflux; I will be so happy when that's gone. He is still taking Zantac for that, and it does help, which we are thankful for. The solid food seems to help alot with the spitting up.

One characteristic that I love about Andrew (one of many) is that he is SO observant. He loves to look around, watch people, watch TV, and take in his surroundings. He still loves the color red and isn't really scared of any noises.

He is getting to be mobile. Along with rolling over, he loves to kick and scoot all over the place. He has so much energy! The past two mornings he has cried from his crib because he got his leg caught in the railings. Time to get the bumpers out of storage and put them up. Luckily he is a great sleeper most nights (the pic above shows a happy little boy waking up), so I am thankful for that.

Andrew had his first weekend away from home (and even Mommy enjoyed it) with Edee and Pop. Jeremy and I took a day trip to Athens, relaxed, and enjoyed some much-needed couple time together. I missed him, but knew he was well taken care of.

I celebrated my first Mother's Day (with Andrew outside of the womb) and it was so special. The picture above is our little family on Mother's Day. So proud and thankful to be a Mommy to sweet Andrew.

Boo Boo (as I like to call him) is still a little cuddle bunny. He loves to be held and enjoys his nap time in someone's arms. He will sleep in his crib for a little while, but not very long. So we have some nap dates planned for this summer (that is when I catch up on my DVR shows). He also enjoys rocking with his Daddy in the rocking chair when he gets home from work. Jeremy cradles him in the crook of his arm and they watch Sports Center. =)

He weighs 14lbs 5oz right now and has the cutest, chubby thighs. I could just squeeze him and love on him all day long. =)

I am still amazed at how much joy and love he brings to our lives. What a blessing he is! Thank you for following along on his life's journey.....

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

4 months.... flying by!

I've always heard that time flies once you have children and that they grow up WAY too fast. The first couple of months of Andrew's life I would have disagreed---some days it felt like time was going in slow motion. However, the third and fourth month have really gone by fast, and I'm sure it will continue to fly. My Little Man will be 4 months old in a couple of days (April 29) and he still seems to be growing and changing almost daily. He still has his killer smile, which he will almost always flash you, even when he's crying (so funny to see). He is trying to sit up but still does not quite have the strength to do it on his own. He is in a very good routine of eating (around 6am, 9am, 1pm, 4pm, 6pm, and 8:30pm bedtime). Napping, however, is another story. He does not really like to nap anywhere except on someone. He has always been a snuggle bunny, but it would be nice to be able to put him down sometimes for a nap (and get other things done). He will sleep in the swing every once in a while, but even then it's usually not longer than about 20 minutes. He does sleep through the night, which is AWESOME! He very rarely wakes up. So I am thankful for that. We are going to try some new curtains (Eclipse) in his room and see if that helps. Maybe he just needs it to be dark in order to sleep.

He recently went on his first road trip to Connellsville, PA. Mom, Dad, Andrew and I traveled there for Chelsey's bridal shower. Luckily Andrew likes the motion of the car and will sleep most of the time (unless he's hungry, too hot, really sleepy, or just sick of being in the car seat). This was my first trip to PA, too, and it was beautiful! The green, green grass and mountains were a sight to behold. And, of course, the shower was great and it was so nice to visit with Chelsey's sweet family. Uncle Kevin was there, too, and was able to visit with Andrew. We are looking forward to the wedding in July (hopefully Andrew will do just as well as he did this time).

Andrew also celebrated his first holiday: Easter! Oh, what fun we had! We went to church Sunday morning and took Andrew to the nursery for the first time (I was very nervous, but he did just fine). We then had a yummy lunch: Ham, creamed corn, green beans, Lima beans, mac & cheese, rolls, deviled eggs, and sock-it-to-me cake. It was our first time having Easter with just our "little family", so that was different, but nice. Then Andrew checked out all of his Easter goodies in his many baskets. He received SO many gifts from many people: Mommy & Daddy, Edee & Pop, Grammy & Gramps, Nanaw & Pawpaw, Uncle Kev and Aunt Chels, and Mr. Ed & Miss Karen Kurtz (Chelsey's parents). He was so cute looking at all of the gifts and holding his new toys and stuffed animals. Our favorite part was introducing him to bubbles (from Grammy). He seemed to be a little unsure at first, but then seemed to like them. I'm sure he was trying to figure out how to eat/chew on them.

Check out this video of the gift-opening and bubble blowing.

Speaking of chewing, that's all he wants to do right now. He drools, sucks, and chews on everything, especially his hands! I think he may be in the beginning stages of teething, but no sign of teeth yet. Everything he touches gets wet! I don't look forward to the pain that will come with that soon.

Some of Andrew's favorite things right now: Rocking with Daddy (while watching TV), holding his "noisy" toys and blankets, smiling, holding and listening to "Ellie" (stuffed elephant) while getting a diaper change, watching Mommy and Daddy make dinner (even though he usually cries once we sit down to eat), eating (that has always been something he loves), being bounced, the color red, paci at nap time (but he doesn't use it for bed time), being naked and lotioned up after bath time, having all attention on him, and listening to the song "Forever Young" to fall sleep.

He is such a sweet little boy and I love him more and more everyday! Happy 4 months Andrew William!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

3 Months.... let the FUN begin!

Wow, Andrew is 3 months old! I remember back in the first few weeks of his life when I wasn't sure if I would ever make it to this point. I guess I always thought it would be difficult and trying. Don't get me wrong, it's HARD work; the hardest thing I have ever done, but man is it FUN! My sweet little boy is growing so fast and is starting to do so many new things. My favorite right now is his laugh, well, more like a squeal. It's the funniest, most adorable thing! His smile is also so amazing; it will melt your heart. He's just so cute I could eat him up! He is liking sitting up now, even though he can't do it on his own yet. He is grabbing at everything: toys, clothing, blankets, my hair.... anything he can. He's got a mighty strong grip. He is so observant and has a great attention span (when he's happy). He is eating well (the legs are getting quite chubbs) and is on a really good schedule. I have The Amazing Genia to thank for that! Miss Genia is his sitter and she is fabulous. She loves Andrew and he loves her. A mommy couldn't ask for more.

I think Andrew is getting ready for teething. He's drooling all the time and is starting to chew on his fingers and toys. Friends have told me this would happen as soon as he starting sleeping through the night, he will wake up due to teething pains. NOT looking forward to that!

This week I have been on spring break and I have loved spending time with my family. I still find it so incredibly sweet to see my parents with Andrew. He is their world right now, and I love it. It's a shame that you don't realize how much your parents love you until you have a child of your own. Then you understand. My Granny was also able to spend some time with him and rock him to sleep. It just makes her so happy, and that is so special to me.

We are still struggling with tummy time, he just doesn't like it. Hopefully that will improve soon so that he will be able to practice rolling over and eventually crawling. So much to look forward to. For now he likes his toys that make noise, he is still enjoying his floor gym, and he likes laying on his back on his tummy time mat (haha) and looking around and grabbing/holding his toys and blankets.

I know going back to work on Monday after spending a week with him will be very difficult, but I am looking forward to the summer. It will be fun to spend every day with him, take him swimming, and dress him up for Uncle Kev's wedding in July----so many exciting things to come!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Back to Reality....

The last 9 weeks have been such a wild ride! Andrew has grown and changed SO much and it has been amazing to see. He is now 2 months old, very happy with his sitter, Miss Genia, and has transitioned very well with Mommy going back to work (much better than Mommy did). =)

We had a little "scare" for a few days regarding daycare. The lady who had agreed to keep Andrew (we interviewed her several months before Andrew was born) called two weeks before I was to return to work to tell me she couldn't keep him. PANIC STRUCK.... but not for long. Thank the Lord for Facebook! I posted about it and within a few minutes a sweet girl that I went to high school with, Genia, sent me a message saying she could keep him. She had worked in a daycare in the past and was a nanny for another family that had moved, and she had not found another child to keep yet. Jeremy and I "interviewed" her (high school was a long time ago) and just felt a peace about it. He would also be the only baby there all day, so he would get lots of attention. He has been there for two weeks now and seems very happy! I get pictures and updates throughout the day, which is such a lifesaver! He plays, laughs, and has a good 'ol time. I couldn't be more happy about that! It has been so hard going back to work and trying to manage work with being a mommy and wife. It's very difficult and exhausting, but it gets better each day. I am so thankful to the Lord for putting Genia in our lives to take care of and love our sweet little boy!

If you have been keeping up with Andrew's pictures you have seen just how much he is growing. It's crazy! I can really see it more now that I do not have him all day. I feel like some days he changes from the time I drop him off to the time I pick him up in the afternoon. He is smiling and squealing with joy! He loves his play gym and will reach up and hit the toys that hang down. He will sit in his bouncy seat and look around the room while we cook dinner. He loves to relax on his boppy in his room and laugh at his rattles and other toys. He is such a sweet little boy and his grin just melts my heart!

He is quite the mover and shaker. He loves to be naked and move his arms and legs. He HATES putting on clothes and refuses to wear socks (I don't even bother anymore). He is much better with diaper change now, which is great. He will follow us (and toys) with his eyes and responds to our voices. He LOVES to be bounced. It's the only motion that will soothe him when he's upset. Sometimes Jeremy and I are tired after putting him to bed! Speaking of bed... he's doing very well at night. He goes to bed around 8:30-9:00 (he does sleep in the swing some earlier in the evening while we eat dinner), wakes up once around 2am, and then either he wakes up around 5:30 (when I get up) or sometimes sleeps until 6:15, when I have to wake him. Either way, I am only getting up once a night right now, and I'm so thankful!

He is getting big! He just went for his 2 month check-up and he weighs 10lbs 15 oz (25th percentile) and is 23 in. long (50th percentile)! He also had his vaccinations, which he handled fairly well (considering). I love the little fat rolls forming on his legs. I just squeeze and kiss them! =)

I am also enjoying seeing our parents with him. They just love him so much and it's sweet to see. I know he will have such a special relationship with his grandparents and that means a lot to me and Jeremy. Our little family is blessed! =) Thank you to all who keep up with Andrew!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Happy 1st Month Birthday, Andrew (Jan. 29, 2011)

Well, we have all survived the first month, thank the Lord! It has been a wild ride for sure. Andrew is a precious little baby and I have enjoyed getting to know him and being his Mom. Everyone says he looks like Jeremy, which I think is sweet. A few have said he has my nose and lips (which I totally agree with). It's neat to see parts of us in him. He is really starting to develop his personality and I can't wait to see what type of person he will become. He's quite strong-willed (not sure where he gets that) and very cuddly and loving. He loves to be held (more than anything), to eat (we call him "piglet"), and any type of movement (rocking, swaying, bouncing, and car rides). He has struggled with some tummy issues and it truly breaks my heart to see him hurt. We have been able to give him some gas drops and Mylanta and that seems to help most of the time. I think his little digestive system is maturing and he is learning how to handle it. We are also learning what soothes and calms him during these times. Other than that, he is a very happy, sweet baby. He loves to look at light and listen to our voices (I love reading Dr. Seuss books to him; I think he likes the rhyming of my voice). =) He also enjoys his floor gym (especially the lights) and is starting to look at and sometimes (although accidentally, I think) hit at the toys. A few things he does NOT like: tummy time, diaper change, any type of clothing change, and to be rubbed (his back, head, etc.). It's hard for me to understand because I love having my back rubbed, but he does not seem to like it at all. He is adjusting to "bath time" (more like a sponge bath right now), but I think he will like that in time.

For the past week, he has been sleeping from about 10pm-2am, and then from 3am - 5:30am, which has been awesome! Most nights I get 5-6 hours of (interrupted) sleep. Little man does NOT like to miss a meal.

He is doing a great job of holding his head up (he was lifting his head in the hospital the day after he was born). He will also smile after eating, which I always look forward to, as he falls asleep. I think he is really close to having real, purposeful smiles soon. That will be fun!

I can't decide if the past month has gone by quickly or slowly; I think both! It's quick in the fact that he is already growing SO much (some of his newborn clothes are too tight). However, it has been so hard at times to know what to do and how to care for him, (not to mention the emotional roller coaster I was on right after giving birth) that it feels like forever. Now I must think about returning to work, which makes me very nervous. I know he will be in good hands, but it will be so hard to leave him in the care of someone else when I feel like I know him so well. I know it's something every working Mom has to go through. We will get through it with lots of prayers!

Happy One Month Birthday, Andrew! We love you! =)

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Let the Adventure Begin....

I'm a MOM! Wow, I can hardly believe it. My little baby boy has arrived and we have started on our adventure as a family. It actually started off a little rough.....

I mentioned in my last blog about the possibility of having a C-Section because my pelvic bone is a little narrow. At my last doctor visit, they weighed Andrew at 7lbs 9oz. Since he was getting close to 8lbs (Doc did not think I would be able to birth a baby bigger than that), we all decided it was best to induce. I was supposed to be admitted on Monday night, December 27th to have meds to soften my cervix so I could be induced the next day. Unfortunately, there were many others wanting the same thing. The hospital had no room (nice little Christmas story off to a good start---no room in the Inn). So I was admitted on Tuesday night, December 28th, and was given the Cervidil. It was VERY painful going in (maybe I'm a wuss), but did not cause much trouble after that. I was told to "rest" (yeah, right--about to give birth tomorrow) through the night and I would be induced the next morning.

The Doc started the Pitocin the next morning around 9am. It took a while for me to start feeling much, but small contractions did begin. I was told I could have an epidural whenever I wanted (thank you amazing Docs), so I requested that a couple of hours later (before it got too bad). The first epi did not take--got a bad spot with not enough room, so he did another one. He said that one looked good and I started to get numb (hooray)! After about an hour or so the pain was getting worse. At first, I thought it was just because the contractions were worsening and I was feeling more. But I was told I would only feel 'pressure' and not to expect all the pain to be gone. So I was being a trouper and breathing through them. I started to notice that I could feel my legs again (no longer that heavy feeling). They called the Doc back in to check and sure enough, my epi was wearing off. He injected some pain meds into my IV (didn't seem to help much) and tried the epi again. When he took off the bandage, he saw the problem: my veins were very swollen and had caused the catheter to inject meds into my blood stream. Very bad! He took it out and tried another spot (epi #3), but the same thing happened. I was just too swollen to have and epidural---SO scary to hear! By this time I was about 5cm and the pain was getting bad. I also started having a reaction to the meds being in my veins (increased heart rate, very pale, feeling faint). The Doc game me meds to help with that and that passed very quickly. He said he could not try another epi for a couple of hours. They decided to stop the Pitocin in hopes it would decrease the pain.

I labored a little longer and was most comfortable (if I can use that word) standing up. After being up for a while, the baby's heart rate started to drop. They told me to get back in bed, lay on my side, and close my legs. VERY uncomfortable position when in labor. I was too out of it with pain to even worry about what was going on with the baby, but I could sense the tension and concern in the room. My Doc was doing surgery all morning (other C-Sections) and was not really around. She finally came in the room a little before 5pm. I had been 7cm for over an hour, could not have any more pain meds, and the baby's heart rate was dropping. The Doc made the decision to do a C-Section (which I was more than fine with at that point). I was quickly prepped and wheeled to the OR. I was given a Spinal for numbing (felt so good I could have kissed that man)! Andrew was taken out within a few short minutes (5:20pm) and weighed 7lbs. 11oz. He had pooped in the womb and had taken that into his respiratory system. He had to be immediately taken to NICU (very scary) for a few hours and I went to recovery for an hour. We were finally able to see him around 9pm that night.

Everything about him was perfect! His eyes, nose, mouth, skin.... what a rush of happiness and excitement to be able to hold your baby for the first time. I do believe it was diminished a bit because I was on pain meds (Demerol), but it was still such an amazing feeling. It was also so sweet to see my husband and family hold him and love on him for the first time.

Our first night was fairly easy; he slept a lot. The second night was a whole different story. They call it "Second Night Delight" (which is a twisted joke, I guess). He was circumcised that day and was in quite a bit a pain. That added to adjusting to being on the 'outside'. He pretty much cried all night and I was still struggling with breastfeeding. We had to ask the nurse to come in a few times to help us out. We were taught a few strategies, like the Colic Hold, which were helpful a bit, but the biggest help was when she took all of his clothes and blankets off and just put him up against me skin to skin. He finally slept for an hour or so that way. It was such a sweet experience and I was relieved for him to be calm for a while. He just needed to touch and feel his mommy!

Since we have been home he has been such a good baby. The only struggle we are having is with his tummy. He seems to have lots of trouble passing gas and having bowel movements. The doctor believes he may be lactose intolerant, so I have severely altered my diet to see if that's it. We have gone 48 hours now with me on a new diet and have seen some changes at certain times, but still some fussiness at other times. It's so hard to see him suffer; I just want to take it away. It breaks my heart! But once we get this taken care of I think he is going to be such a happy, sweet baby boy!

He is such a strong little boy. He had been holding his head up since about Day 3 of life. He doesn't really know how to lower it back down or what to do with it, but he can lift it. He also has very strong arms and legs. He HATES having his diaper changed and getting dressed. He screams bloody murder. He loves his hands and is experimenting with what to do with them. I think he may be a thumb-sucker before too long. He smiles often, especially after eating. He also raises his eyebrows and crinkles his forehead while eating, which is just adorable. He responds to my voice and I think he is starting to respond to Jeremy's as well (looking around when he hears him). I feel like he has already grown and changed a bit in his 11 days of life.

This will be my first week alone with him (all the family has gone and Jeremy is at work). On one hand I'm excited to figure out a schedule and just have alone time at home, but I hope his tummy can get settled quickly, or that will be difficult to deal with alone. Thanks for all of your prayers and words of encouragement and I will attempt to keep you posted on The Hood Happenings as little Andrew grows and changes.